Thursday, August 7, 2008


Hello Calvary SLO Kids Community!

I wanted to welcome you all to our new Calvary SLO Kids Community, a place for the latest news, information, dialogue, etc. concerning the CSLO Children's Ministry! We felt that it was necessary to have ONE place where everyone involved (parents, teachers, helpers, parents new to the church and wanting more info on the heart of this ministry, etc.) could access all that is needed to be 'in the loop'.

We are in a season right now where the entire structure of the ministry is being recreated, hopefully changes that make it easier for all of us to partner together to create the best children's ministry for our children. And when I say 'our' children, I mean all of our children. Every person who invests themselves in the ministry has a part in raising our kids. That is why we consider this endeavor in the Spirit as PARTNERING WITH PARENTS to help children find their ultimate pleasure in God's greatness!

We will be posting here everything you'll need for pertinent infomation, so do check back regularly for handouts or messages you may have missed or want to review. You will be able to see upcoming event dates and info, hear from individual CC's (classroom coordinators), or submit parenting tips and the like that you have been blessed with as well... anything that matters to us parents and children's ministry helpers :)

Here's to a new year, a new beginning, and a renewed passion to serve these little ones who are precious in His sight,

Pastor James
Children's Ministry / Family Ministries Overseer
Calvary SLO Church

1 comment:

Aaron said...

yeah! I just stumbled on this. Very cool!